Cejko B.I., Krejszeff S., Judycka S., Sarosiek B., Dietrich M., Kucharczyk D., Kowalski R.K. 2014. Sperm quality and selected biochemical markers of seminal plasma at the beginning of the reproductive period of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Aquaculture International 22: 111-122.

Dietrich G.J., A. Pecio, J. Sikorska, J. Wolnicki, M. Słowińska, P. Hliwa, R. Kamiński, A. Andronowska, A. Ciereszko. 2014. Characterization of lake minnow Eupallasella percnurus semen in relation to sperm morphology, regulation of sperm motility and interpopulation diversity. Journal of Fish Biology 85: 446-455.

Dunalska J.A., Staehr P.A., Jaworska B., Górniak D., Gomułka P. 2014. Ecosystem metabolism in a lake restored by hypolimnetic withdrawalEcological Engineering 73: 616-623.

Dziekońska-Rynko J., Mierzejewska K. 2014. Can salinity of the Baltic Sea limit the embryonic development of the nematode Contracaecum rudolphii? Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 56 (1): 58

Dziekońska-Rynko J., Rokicki J., Mierzejewska K. 2014. In vitro infection experiments with eggs of the nematode Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 (sensu lato) targeting aquatic insect larvae (Odonata: Coenagrionidae and Libellulidae; Trichoptera: Integripalpia) as possible intermediate hosts. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 43 (2): 165-169.

Furgała-Selezniow G., Skrzypczak A., Kucharczyk D., Kujawa R., Mamcarz A., Żarski D., Targońska K. 2014. Food selection of burbot (Lota lota L.) larvae reared in illuminated net cages in mesotrophic Lake Maróz (north-eastern Poland). Aquaculture International 22: 41–52.

Gomułka P., Wlasow T., Szczepkowski M., Misiewicz L., Ziomek E. 2014. The effect of propofol anaesthesia on haematological and biochemical blood profile of European whitefish. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14: 331-337.

Gomułka P., Żarski D., Kupren K., Krejszeff S., Targońska K., Kucharczyk D. 2014. Acute ammonia toxicity during early ontogeny of ide Leuciscus idus (Cyprinidae). Aquaculture International 22: 225–233.

Grabowska M., Glińska-Lewczuk K.,Obolewski K., Burandt P., Kobus Sz., Dunalska J. Kujawa R., Goździejewska A., Skrzypczak A. 2014. Efects of hydrological and physicochemical factors on phytoplankton communities in floodplain lakes. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 23: 713-725.

Hliwa P., M. Bah, H. Kuźmiński, S. Dobosz, A. Ciereszko. 2014. Ultrasound evaluation of the gonadal structure in sex-reversed rainbow trout females. Aquaculture International 22: 89-96.

Jankun, M., Mochol, M., Ocalewicz, K. 2014. Conventional and molecular cytogenetics of the pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.). Aquaculture Research 45(6): 1084-1089.

Jarmołowicz S., Demska-Zakęś K., Zakęś Z. 2014. Impact of butyl benzyl phthalate on development of the reproductive system of European pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.) Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 62(3): 397-407.

Juchno D., Jabłońska O., Boroń A., Kujawa R., Leska A., Grabowska A., Nynca A., Świgońska S., Król M., Spóz A., Laskowska N., Lao M. 2014. Ploidy-dependent survival of progeny arising from crosses between natural allotriploid obitis females and diploid C. taenia males (Pisces, Cobitidae). Genetica 142: 351-359.

Kirtiklis L., K. Ocalewicz, M. Wiechowska, A. Boroń, P. Hliwa. 2014. Molecular cytogenetic study of the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Acheilognathinae). Genetica 142: 141-148

Kowalski R.K., Cejko B.I., Krejszeff S., Sarosiek B., Judycka S., Targońska K., Kucharczyk D., Glogowski J. 2014. Effect of albumin and casein supplementation on the common carp Cyprinus carpio L. sperm motility parameters measured by CASA. Aquaculture International 22: 123-129.

Król J., Flisiak W., Urbanowicz P., Ulikowski D. 2014. Growth, cannibalism and survival relations in larvae of European catfish Silurus glanis (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Siluridae) – attempts to mitigate sibling cannibalism. Acta Ichtyologica et Piscatoria 44(3): 191-199

Król J., W. Pobłocki, T. Bockenheimer, P. Hliwa. 2014. Effect of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and 17 β-estradiol (E2) on growth, survival and histological structure of the internal organs in juvenile European catfish Silurus glanis (L.). Aquaculture International 22: 53-62

Kucharczyk D., Żarski D., Mamcarz A. 2014. Preface. Aquaculture International 22: 1–3.

Kucharczyk D., Żarski D., Targońska K., Łuczyński M.J., Szczerbowski A., Nowosad J., Kujawa R., Mamcarz A., Induced artificial androgenesis in common tench, Tinca tinca (L.), using common carp and common bream eggs. Italian Journal of Animal Science 13: 196-200.

Kucinski M., Ocalewicz K., Fopp-Bayat D., Liszewski T., Furgala-Selezniow G., Jankun M. 2014. Distribution and heterogeneity of heterochromatin in the European (Hucho hucho Linnaeus, 1758) (Salmonidae). Folia biologica - Kraków 62: 81-89

Kupren, K.,Prusińska, M.,Żarski, D., Krejszeff, S.,Kucharczyk D. 2014. Early development and allometric growth in nannacara anomala Regan, 1905 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) under laboratory conditions. Neotropical Ichthyology 12: 659-665.

Kupren K., Trąbska I., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Palińska-Żarska K., Kucharczyk D. 2014. Early development and allometric growth patterns in burbot Lota lota L. Aquaculture International 22: 29-39.

Kvach Y., Y. Kornyychuk, K. Mierzejewska,  N. Rubtsova, V. Yurakhno, J. Grabowska, M. Ovcharenko. 2014. Parasitization of invasive gobiids in the eastern part of the Central trans-European corridor of invasion of Ponto-Caspian hydrobionts. Parasitology Research 113: 1605–1624.

Michalik O., Dobosz S., Wójcik I., Zalewski T., Ocalewicz K. 2014. Use of eggs derived from the interspecific charr hybrids to induce androgenetic development of the brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill 1814). Reproduction in Domestic Animals: 49(2): 191-196.

Mierzejewska K., Kvach Y., Stańczak K., Grabowska J., Woźniak M., Dziekońska-Rynko J., Ovcharenko M. 2014. Parasites of non-native gobies in the Włocławek Reservoir on the lower Vistula River, first comprehensive study in Poland. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 414 (01): 01-14.

Nowosad J., Targońska K., Chwaluczyk R., Kaszubowski R., Kucharczyk, D. 2014. Effect of temperature on the effectiveness of artificial reproduction of dace [Cyprinidae (Leuciscus leuciscus (L.))] under laboratory and field conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology 45: 62-68.

Obolewski K.,Glińska-Lewczuk K., Jarząb N., Burandt P.,Kobus Sz., Kujawa R., Grabowska M., Lew S., Goździejewska A., Skrzypczak A. 2014. Benthic invertebrates in floodplain lakes of the Middle Basin of the Biebrza River (NE Poland): the structure and biodiversity analyses in relation to hydrological conditions. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 23: 1679-1689.

Ocalewicz K., P.Hliwa, K. Pomianowski, R. Lisboa, M. Jankun. 2014. Histological and cytological studies of the brook trout (B. charr), Salvelinus fontinalis (M.) and the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) hybrids. Aquaculture International 22: 281-288

Palińska-Żarska K., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Nowosad J., Biłas M., Trejchel K., Brylewski A., Targońska K., Kucharczyk D. 2014. The effect of age, size and digestive tract development on burbot, Lota lota (L.), larvae weaning effectiveness. Aquaculture Nutrition 20: 281-290.

Palińska-Żarska K., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Nowosad J., Biłas M., Trejchel K., Kucharczyk D. 2014. Dynamics of yolk sac and oil droplet utilization and behavioural aspects of swim bladder inflation in burbot, Lota lota L., larvae during the first days of life, under laboratory conditions. Aquaculture International 22: 13-27.

Poczyczyński P., Gomułka P., Woźniak M., Szostak I. 2014. Preliminary study of the partial substitution of fish oil with amaranth oil in diets rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings: effect of body composition and fatty acid content. Turkish Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Sciences 14: 01-6

Sarosiek B., Glogowski J., Cejko I.B., Kujawa R., Szczepkowski M., Kuźmiński H., Dobosz S., Kowalski R.K. 2014. Inhibition of b-N-acetylglucosaminidase by acetamide affects sperm motility and fertilization success of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Theriogenology 81: 723–732.

Szarek J., Szynaka B., Babińska I., Andrzejewska A., Strzyżewska E., Dobosz S., Zakrzewski J., Wiśniewska A., Wojtacka J. 2014. Ultrastructural pattern of the liver in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) reared extensively (OS) and intensively (RAS). Journal of Comparative Pathology 150(1):119.

Targońska, K., Szczerbowski, A., Żarski D., Łuczyński, M., Szkudlarek, M., Gomułka, P., Kucharczyk, D. 2014. Comparison of different spawning agents in artificial out-of-season spawning of Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Aquaculture Research 45: 765–767.

Targońska K., Żarski D., Kupren K.,Palińska-Żarska K., Mamcarz A., Kujawa R., Skrzypczak A., Furgała-Selezniow G., Czarkowski T., Hakuć-Błażowska A., Kucharczyk D. 2014. Influence of temperature during four following spawning seasons on the spawning effectiveness of common bream, Abramis brama (L.) under natural and controlled conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology 39: 17-23.

Trejchel K., Żarski D., Palińska-Żarska K., Krejszeff S., Dryl, B., Dakowski K., Kucharczyk D. 2014. Determination of the optimal feeding rate and light regime conditions in juvenile burbot, Lota lota (L.), under intensive aquaculture. Aquaculture International 22: 195-203.

Wlasow T., Kuzminski H., Kowalska A., Wisniewska A., Fopp-Bayat D., Korzuch J. 2014. Morphological characteristics of blood cells in brook trout triploids produced by hydrostatic pressure shock applied at different time after fertilization. Caryologia 67(1): 45-48.

Żarski D., Horváth Á., Bernáth G., Palińska-Żarska K., Krejszeff S., Müller T., Kucharczyk D. 2014. Application of different activating solutions to in vitro fertilization of crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), eggs. Aquaculture International 22: 173-184.